About Me

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I'm an illustrator specialising in pencilled comic book artwork,fantasy illustration and caricature.

Sunday, 19 April 2009

A good week all round.

Finally getting back on track with things, art-wise this week. Uploaded a shed-load of stuff to Insomnia, discussed some new projects (which I'm really excited about)and finished the script for the Unbelievable preview pages.

Prepping for the Bristol Comic Expo in May, by knocking out a few sketches has really got the creative juices flowing and I'm looking forward to spending time with the guys from Orang Utan Comics and Insomnia at the event.

To top things off nicely, I've also been invited to contribute to the DrawTheWorldTogether sketch event at the con, a really worthwhile cause and a great honour for me.

If anyone's attending, be sure to drop by and say hi or even request a sketch (or two!)

Probably won't be updating this until after Bristol as there's so much to do, I hope to put a full report of the Con with images after the weekend.

Until then, see you in the funny pages!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear its all coming together boss

See ya at Bristol